Help for Veterans and Their Surviving Spouses

If someone has served on active duty for at least 90 days with at least one day being during the time of war, (WWII, Korean conflict, Vietnam Conflict, Gulf War, or other conflicts).  If they are disabled or simply having difficulty with daily activites of living – called ADL’s.
These ADL’s are things like walking, bathing, dressing, driving, etc.
The disability does not need to be service related. 
There are different classifications and amounts that a Veteran and their spouse can qualify for.  One is called a Non Service Pension Plan for those that were not injured during the war. 
You can contact you local VFW office to receive the proper forms or the Nursing Home may have those forms already and can help you fill them out.
You will need to provide the following. 
1. Honorable Discharge Papers
2. Marriage License
3. Your Social Security Number
4. Your spouses Social Security Number
They will require that you sign a POA – Power Of Attorney Form that is for the VA.  It is separate from any other Power of Attorney you may have.   They will also have a form for any Nursing Home or your doctor to fill out.
How Much Cash Assistance is Provided? 
The amounts do vary but here is an example.
Up to $1644 a month for a Single Vet. Tax Free
Up to $1949 a month for a Married Vet. Tax Free
Up to $1056 per month for a surviving spouse of a Vet. Tax Free
What can the funds go toward?
The VA will pay for care in a Nursing Home, Your Home or Assisted Living Facility.
There is a spend down provision but the right planning with an Elder Law Attorney  can help reduce that spend down.
Feel free to call us to find out more about this benefit that Veterans have earned for themselves and their spouse.
Call or email
for more information.
We are a resourse when you need it most. 
1-800-381-8870, email:

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